Thursday, August 11, 2005

nine doors of Inanna in the underworld - Lisa Phoenix

1. Every exit is an entry to somewhere else.

2. Last of their tribe:

3. Breathing: "What we call 'I' is just a swinging door that moves when we inhale and when we exhale." - Shunryu Suzuki, Zen roshi

4. Dormice spend three quarters of the year sleeping. Despite their rather disreputable depiction in "Alice's Adventures..." they are known to be formidable Threshold Guardians and familiars of Morpheus, God of Dreams.

5. "Knocking on Heaven's Door" was written by Bob Dylan; credible covers include Guns 'n Roses' and Avril Lavigne's versions (i guess i just really like this song).

6. Dorian Grey: painting as time warp entrance.

7. If the eyes are the window to the soul, then may my ears be the doorway to my heart.

8. Last winter an orb-weaver built her web in the right upper corner of my doorway. i dutifully ducked, coming and going. She slept in the frame all day and waited in the center at night, with infinite patience. i think she was hoping to snag a falling star.

9. In Africa, Elegba was a sun god of the crossroads. Known as Legba in Haiti, Exu in Brazil, and Ellegua in Cuba, he is a trickster who is sometimes a child, sometimes an ancient griot (itinerant teacher and storyteller) who often sits in the corner, behind the door.

"Papa Legba, open the door,
Papa Legba, open the path,
Papa Legba, open the door,
open the door, let the Spirits
come in..."


At 2:55 AM, Anonymous Piero said...

A person Named Piero From Berkeley found this incredibly interesting.


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