Monday, October 10, 2005

Here I am...

I approach the Enchantress' Cave, weary and dusty from my long trek. It's a good weariness though, one that satisfies the physical as well as the mental needs of the body. I chose to walk rather than ride because I wanted to feel Mother Earth breathing beneath my feet. I felt as one with her as I walked through the woods and strolled across meadows sprinkled liberally with wild flowers of all varieties. Such a difference from a brief trip I made recently when I drove many miles to the State of Minnesota. Locked away inside a steel enclosure with the scenery flashing by at breakneck speed doesn't do it for me, though it is sometimes a necessity when time is calling the shots.

The dust fell away and the weariness vanished when I saw the Enchantress waiting to welcome me and any other travelers who might happen along. I know there are many like me who, having taken different trails, will end up here for a well earned rest before proceeding to BabaYaga's hut.

The enchantress is a welcoming sight as she stands there at the cave entrance ready to check me in. Her ivory gown shimmers in the morning sunlight … her eyes are bright, and the breeze ruffles her reddish hair. She embraces me and invites me to enter and join the others who are waiting. I am ready now for good company and conversation. We all have stories to share about our varied experiences on the trail. It's at times like this that I appreciate all the good that life has to offer.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Courier message gone astray

My RaVEN messenger found Donkeys Inc. and tried to post this message in comments but it would not take it so I will try to reach you here. I am heading down the road in Ithaka Bound, on foot, leading Destiny. Hope you receive this message. I guess I should contact the Enhantress for a few more invitations.

MESSAGE FROM THE RAVEN COURIER: I know you are extremely busy right now but I was wondering if I could drop off my horse Destiny for the time I am on the silk road. At the moment I am just leaving the cave of the Enhantress at my first dawn on the Road to Ithaka and would like to walk a while. As your mules are magical I guess I had better mind the Enhantress once more and try out one after I have walked a while, so also please find one that would fit my spirit. I look forward to seeing you. Will you be at the Gypsy camp? (That is if I ever find it) Love, Jane

Friday, October 07, 2005

Morgaine's Arrival

Gallahad returned with good news. He knew the way to the Enchantresses Cave. 'Gather you're belongings Morgaine, we must make haste'!

Morgaine quickly gathered her bags, she climbed upon Gallahad's back, 'lead on Gallahad, let us depart'.

Awhile later Morgaine was at the cave's entrance with her bags. Gallahad munched on some grass a little way off.
'Quite a crowd had already come through', the Enchantress told Morgaine, 'it has quietened down now, so you're Morgaine, the Camelot Scribe, welcome to my cave and the beginning of a wonderful journey! What did you bring?
I hope you packed light'.

Morgaine assured the enchantress that her bag was light and its contents are a necessity. ' I have my journal, recorder for my interviews with fellow travellers, some clothing, my warm cloak, some food, my hairbrush, some herbs and oils, and some precious stones'.

'This is good Morgaine, so you plan to interview fellow travellers? That sounds interestinng, you will find many interesting stories, I'm sure. So you come from Camelot? '

'Yes and I am considered the Camelot Scribe, the Camelot Correspondent for the Camelot Chronicle. I am on a Crusade, the Camelot Crusade. I wish to learn about other places, people and communities and also to introduce and invite people to Camelot, this is one of the reasons I decided to undertake this journey, I look forward to meeting people, learning about different places and communities and hope to befriend many. I believe that if we all help one another we can all continue to exist in people's hearts'.

'Very interesting Morgaine, I'm sure others will share your belief's and you will find your journey very inspiring, once again, welcome aboard! Now, I must give you this bag, in it you will find some things to help you on your journey, a compass amongst other things and most importantly, a doll'.

'A doll? Why is a doll the most important thing'? Asked Morgaine.

'This is no ordinary doll, this doll talks and can help and guide you along the way, you have met and named your talking donkey Gallahad, now this doll is yours to keep and name too. You will find her very wise, with much insight to share'.

Morgaine was taken aback, a telepathic, talking donkey and now a wise, insightful doll! They say Camelot's ways are weird, she thought to herself. What is this magic? I must learn them so I can teach them back home to those who
believe. The more wonder, enchantment, magic, old and new ways introduced to humans, the more they will seek their own truth and belief and the world will be a better place.

The Enchantress interrupted her thoughts saying, 'it is time to go now Morgaine. Your first destination is to the Gypsy camp, where they are having a wake for Meagan's mother. Meagan is a fellow traveller on the Silk Road and it is a time to share, god speed Morgaine'.

With that the Enchantress dissappeared and Morgaine was left alone with the bag. She reached in and pulled out the doll, it was a very pretty doll. She decided to call the doll, Angel. In that instant Morgaine found herself outside the cave with Gallahad. 'Well Gallahad, it's time to move on in search of the gypsies'.

They departed in silence.

DAWN IN THE GROTTO Posted by Picasa

Jane : HERE!

Oh my goodness, it is dawn and I seem to be in the Grotto. I don't even remember presenting my picture of the doorway. From the moment I climbed onto Destiny’s back to the moment I woke up in this lovely room everything is a foggy . I just know that right now I am snuggling deeper into this feather bed trying to escape the loud speaker requesting everyone to show up for roll call at the cave entrance.

GROAN****************Now where are my shoes?****************

I do look forward to walking down the Silk road though. Hopefully there will be some shops on the way to the Gypsy camp so I can buy some silks for a gypsy skirt . I love the way they dress. When I get old ( : ) ) I am going to wear all the beautiful colors in the rainbow at one time. I must ask the enchantress if there is a blog for the Silk road when she calls my name as I look forward to the journey to Itaka, not the destination, and plan to take my time.

I think I will send Destiny ahead to Frans donkey shop and see if she will care for him tell I get to the gypsy camp. I don’t want to fly by things too fast and I defiately do not want to get on a donkey. I know a little more aboout donkeys then I need to as my husband was in a mule pack when he was in the army during the Korean war and it was hell. They are not pleasant animals, co-operative animals. Sorry Fran, but walking gives you a chance to use all your senses and that, to me, is the only way to absorb the world. Did you ever notice how you never really absorb a scene until you stand silent..and that no one speaks? I think it was Michaelangelo who said, : You can not appreciate a sunrise with another person.

" Where is that raven when you need him?

Monday, October 03, 2005

Ithaka Bound - The Doorway to the Silk Road

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People are standing around with bags, rucksacks, suitcases, backpacks, carry alls and saddle bags at the door to the Cave. And to think Sibyl said to travel light! Lucky we have a big store room to keep things so that people can pick them up on their way back home. That room is filling because there hasn't been too many leave the realm.

The first instructions from our guide are at Soul Food Silk Road. Keep checking this and Ithaka Bound if you get lost. We are bound for Ithaka. Ithaka lies within the realm of the Silk Road somewhere, tucked away from view. It is a very enchanted place, a bit like the dreamlike lake of Nemi - Diana's Mirror, as it was called by the ancients. No one who has seen the calm waters of the lake where the Amazon Queen's summer palace nestles, can forget it. Sip from the waters and you forget about the earthly realm and feel the creativity pulsing through your veins.

Ithaka Bound will be open to the public for comment. If you don't get an invitation to join and want to post on this blogger please let me know. I will post out a swathe of invitations but it is very easy to overlook someone so for goodness sake don't let this happen and get lost.

If you are on the Soul Food Cafe mailing list do make sure to ask for an invite to join because I will not keep sending instructions to the whole group.